Steering, Nurturing & Support

SAYF Steering Committee

The Southern Appalachian Young Friends (SAYF) Steering Committee was created at the Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association (SAYMA) Winter Representatives Meeting in 1994. 

Steering committee members are nominated by the SAYMA Nominating Committee and serve two year terms. The Steering Committee clerk(s) serve 2 year rotating terms as well. There are at least five members on the committee at any given time. Additional people may also volunteer to serve on the SAYF Steering Committee with the Committee’s approval. 

The SAYF Steering Committee is responsible to the Yearly Meeting for the operation and nurturing of SAYF. 

Steering committee members:

  • Are able to serve as FANs, Lead FANs, FADs, and/or Night Shepherds for SAYF retreats 
  • Recruit, establish expectations, and train Friendly Adult Nurturers
  • Nurture the SAYF Community by assuring that the SAYF Mission Statement is carried out. 
  • Establish and maintain Guidelines, initiate Clearness Committee if indicated, and offer other eldering, mediation, and discernment processes as needed.  
  • Report to SAYMA Yearly Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business and its Representative meetings on the activities, financial health and any special concerns of SAYF. Problems are reported to the Clerk of SAYMA, Clerk of SAYF Steering Committee and Lead FAN.
  • Ensure open communication between Young Friends, parents, and others in SAYF and SAYMA 

In these activities and duties the SAYF Steering Committee hopes to be true to the purpose of the SAYF Young Friends Community seeking the fulfillment of the SAYF mission statement. The Steering Committee continually strives to ensure a safe space for everyone.

SAYF Steering Committee Members

  • Chris de Beer, Clerk , Swannanoa Valley Friends Meeting, NC  
  • Jennifer Killen, Durham Friends Meeting
  • Asa Kramer-Dickie, Atlanta Friends Meeting 
  • Beth Myers, Berea Friends Meeting 
  • Ian Saderholm , Berea Friends Meeting, KY, via Chicago, IL  
  • Brent Wolff, Atlanta Friends Meeting

SAYF Nurturing Committee

The Young Friends Nurturing Committee functions similarly to the nature of a Ministry and Nurture Committee for a Monthly Meeting. It was created by the Young Friends Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business at the 1996 SAYMA Yearly Meeting. The Committee is open to all Young Friends who participate in SAYF activities and is typically done on a volunteer basis. Anyone can join after 7 retreats with some exceptions depending on age. Nominations for the Nurturing Committee are taken each year at SAYMA’s Yearly Gathering and approved by the Young Friends Business Meeting. A Nominating committee also recommends clerks for nurturing committee business meetings. Members of the Young Friends Nurturing Committee should have a serious commitment towards work that helps the SAYF Community grow, deal with serious issues and problems, and create a spiritually Friendly atmosphere of fun and love within the SAYF Community.

The Young Friends Nurturing Committee meets at the beginning of each retreat to discuss any issues that may arise during the weekend. In addition, Nurturing Committee members present the SAYF guidelines at the beginning of each retreat, take part in Ad Hoc Committees, lead some groups and activities, and help nurture new Young Friends or any Young Friend who may be dealing with particular issues at retreats or activities. The Committee sometimes makes recommendations to the Young Friends Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, SAYF Steering Committee, SAYMA or other bodies.

The Nurturing Committee also meets with the SAYF Steering Committee twice a year to process and work on issues ranging from guidelines and expectations, to retreat planning and eldering. How to foster a sense of spirituality and dealing with the quality of worship at SAYF activities is also of particular importance to the Nurturing Committee.

By encouraging Young Friends to take responsibility and leadership of SAYF and the Young Friends Community they learn what it means to be a part of a Quaker community. It is a responsibility that works to keep the Young Friends Community a living part of Friends’ ministry. Young Friends taking ownership of SAYF and its well-being is an important part of ensuring respect for SAYF and its continuing mission.

SAYF Nurturing Committee

  • Adelaide Utz, Asheville Friends Meeting
  • Anders Utz, Asheville, Friends Meeting
  • Bax Henderson, Durham Friends Meeting
  • Blue Murray, Asheville Friends Meeting
  • Cyrus Gadbury, Durham Friends Meeting
  • Ellie Lenz, Atlanta Friends Meeting
  • Imani Khamala, Chapel Hill Friends Meeting
  • Lucious Ibershoff, Berea Friends Meeting
  • Mason LaMotte, Swannanoa Valley Friends Meeting
  • Michael Killen, Durham Friends Meeting
  • Miles Howland, Atlanta Friends Meeting
  • Sage Hallward, Atlanta Friends Meeting
  • Sam Morris, Nashville Friends Meeting

SAYF Support Committee

The purpose of the SAYF Support Committee is to support the SAYF program and provide a conduit for SAYF adults, teens and FANS, and the SAYMA community at large to express their concerns and needs regarding the program. The committee will work closely with the SAYF Steering Committee to facilitate smooth functioning of the program, recruitment of adult volunteers and teen participants, and other administrative tasks.

The Committee consists of 4 to 6 members, one of whom is selected from the SAYF Steering Committee. The committee:

  • Collaborates with SAYF Steering Committee to review and revise program guidelines and policies on a continual basis.
  • Reviews serious behavior issues that may occur from either teen participants or adult volunteers and determines appropriate sanctions, with the goal of restorative justice and healing.
  • Assists SAYF Steering Committee with recruitment of adult volunteers.
  • Arranges relevant training for both the steering committee members and adult volunteers.
  • Assists the SAYF community with issues of inclusion, particularly for teens and families of color.

SAYF Support Committee Members

  • Jennifer Dickie, Atlanta Friends Meeting, GA
  • Kelly Askins, Memphis Friends Meeting, TN  
  • Lee Ann Swarm, West Knoxville Friends Meeting, KY
  • Maia Carter Hallward, Atlanta Friends Meeting, GA